After (X-Files story)

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Title: After
Author(s): Xanthe
Genre(s): Skinner/Mulder
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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After is an X-Files story by Xanthe.

Reactions and Reviews can you resist a writer who has both characters nailed perfectly, especially a certain bald and brooding AD?

This is a futurefic that paints a bleak picture of a post-colonization world. And Mulder and Skinner are in the middle of that mess. They may not be in the FBI or a government anymore but Mulder still has a quest -- to find and bring the people who has made this happen to justice, and Skinner is there to watch after and protect him.

What I really find wonderful in this fic is the relationship between the two men. To others, they appear combatative, Mulder impertinent and Skinner surly. But a glimpse deeper into the bond makes all the difference. It explains why they survived the whole time in the midst of anarchy and death and despair. And why they will endure.[1]


  1. ^ recced at Crack Van, March 2004