A New Game

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Title: A New Game
Author(s): melody1987 aka Mellie-Art
Date(s): 2016-2019
Length: 103,516
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Batman
External Links: Ao3 (archived link), FFN (archived link)
Poster by mellie-art

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A New Game is a Bruce Wayne/Joker fanfic written by melody1987. This story was widely recced and popular. Posted on Ao3, by January 2021, it had 734 comments, 2379 kudos, 453 bookmarks and 43764 hits.[1]

A reader described this as a story where "basically Bruce and Joker have to work together to figure out whos tryin 2 kill them, and it gets emotional and saucy".[2]

melody1987 also created fanart of her own story, with many chapters of A New Game having an embedded image depicting a scene from that chapter. Mellie-Art also created fic posters and comic strips depicting scenes, which she shared on Tumblr and Pillowfort.[3] She also went on to write a prequel one-shot, Colour, and an AU one-shot set in the ANG verse, Coming Back.

A New Game and all related stories and art have since been deleted from Ao3 and Tumblr by the creator, with A New Game remaining available on Fanfiction.net until some time around 2022. The story is currently unavailable online on any known platform.

Some of melody1987's artwork for her stories is still available on Pillowfort.[4]


The game’s being going for almost twenty years. Bruce knows the rules, he knows the moves, he knows how it’ll end. But when he tries to change the game and someone else starts a new one, Bruce can only hope he learns these rules quickly enough to win.

Authors Note

Bonjour, willkommen, hola and howdy! Welcome to this, the first chapter of my Batjokes story. That's right, Batjokes, because I love these two mad bastards.

Firstly, I need to offer my sincerest thanks to frenetic-kinetic, my wonderful beta and inexhaustibly patient listening ear to the many, many, MANY anxieties I've had writing this. Without her, this story probably wouldn't have even made it past chapter 1!

I haven't set this story in any particular universe. I've basically just cherry picked whatever works best for where I want the story to go, so there will be elements used from multiple universes to make it pretty much just a great big mash-up of all things Batman, really.

Reactions & Reviews

I admit, I actually first clicked on this one by mistake but I have no regrets about it. The author states right in the tags that they’re bad at summaries and tagging, which is why I have to stress that you shouldn’t judge this fic by either of those. This fic dives right to the plot and has very good characterization and writing. It’s tagged as a slow-burn fic so I’m counting on the build up of the Batjokes relationship to just as good as the characterization. I’ve been excited to see a new update every time so far, I highly recommend reading it. [5]

What can't I say about this story? The art is just... wow. Just absolutely gorgeous art with a wonderful story to go along side it. This piece really is the best of both worlds.[6]

one of the best

fantastic characters and fantastic development and also there are Jokers super endearing weird eating habits[7]

Related & Inspired

Melody1987's Art




  1. ^ Archived link to story on Ao3, archived January 25 2021
  2. ^ Fanfic Rec List by batsylovesjoky, 2017
  3. ^ Mellie-art's A New Game tag on Pillowfort. Accessed 25/02/2022
  4. ^ Melody1987's art on Pillowfort
  5. ^ Fae’s top 5 recent Batjokes fics you should be reading posted by a-joke-about-a-bat, 2016
  6. ^ Bookmark comment (archived link) by madnerding. Bookmarked Nov 20 2020
  7. ^ Bookmark comment (archived link) by PendragonsSorceror. Bookmarked Oct 8 2020