A Matter of Time (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: A Matter of Time
Author(s): Alex Delicado
Date(s): 1988
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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A Matter of Time is a Blake's 7 story by Alex Delicado.

It was printed in the zine 5th Season #5.

Reactions and Reviews

AU of series ... 3/4? in which Blake is around and so are some other people. It's not clear what exactly the fic is about... Er, I do understand that the basic plot is that they go back in time to Space World to steal some more DSVs but... the set up is so complicated with so many people being alive and around for no reason, not to mention the time travel, and the fact that Ares and Athena are playing a game with the characters that... at the end I'm basically like - OK... so, what was that? And why did it happen? [1]
