A Kind of Genesis

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Title: A Kind of Genesis
Author(s): Anna V
Date(s): August 1999
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
External Links: A Kind of Genesis, A Kind of Genesis 2 (The Jedi Hurtaholics Archive)
A Kind of Genesis, A Kind of Genesis 2 (Mac & Anna's Place)

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A Kind of Genesis is Qui-Gon/Xanatos, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan slash series by Anna V.

Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are captured by Xanatos

Rating: NC17 ---BE WARNED --- this is dark fiction and includes rape and violence.
Category: AU.
Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are captured by Xanatos
Feedback: I would be interested to know your feelings on this one, as its my first posting to a list ever, and the darkest thing I've ever done.
Spoilers: None for TPM; it does involve Xanatos from the Jedi Apprentice books
Disclaimer: All respect to George Lucas, copyright holder and no monies come from my efforts..
Archive: m_a, others please ask
Bad manners on my part to forget to thank Maygra and Calm Jedi for their help - Maygra is a true Tasker Master who made me try harder, and Calm Jedi gave me confidence. Thank you both very much, and my continued affection and thanks for the support of my best bud, Mac.

Recs and Reviews

Plain Old Rape PM: Xanatos still has more to teach Qui-Gon in A Kind of Genesis by Anna ("He groaned louder, swiveling his hips, searching out some part of me that he hadn’t defiled."). Or check out the sequel A Kind of Genesis 2.[1]
