A Home for All Seasons

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Title: A Home for All Seasons
Author(s): orphan_account
Date(s): 24th December 2011
Length: 9,769 words
Genre(s): Incest, Het
Fandom(s): Folgers "Home for the Holidays" Commercial
External Links: Ao3 Link

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A Home for All Seasons is a Folgers "Home for the Holidays" Commercial fanfic written for Yuletide 2011. The fic gives the pair names: 'Matt' for the brother, and 'Libby' for the sister.

CJ The X

On 3rd January 2024, video essayist and YouTuber CJ The X released a video titled Folgers Coffee Christmas Incest Commercial 2009. The first half of the video is spent explaining and analysing the advert itself. For the second half of the video, CJ goes through 'A Home for All Seasons', talking and analysing it, and bringing attention to the existence of said fic.

fanfiction is so rarely respected or taken seriously as an art medium that it absolutely made my day to see someone take it seriously and in earnestness, especially considering the taboo (and kind of funny lets be real) canon it’s working off of so god bless you I hope you’re taking care of yourself CJ[1]


God i love when fanfic authors are gripped in the teeth of "but what if we played that out? What would the conclusion be, really?" and share their vision with the world.[2]
What really gets me is that that fanfic is such a good representation of sibling incest (which is an incredibly strange thing to say). Libby and Matt aren’t mocked or shamed, their love is real, but it’s also not fetishized or glorified. Their relationship is distinctly unhealthy, but in a tragic way rather than a disgusted way, and the kindness inherent to that depiction is fascinating to me. Libby and Matt’s relationship couldn’t work, and it shouldn’t work, but they want it to so badly that they reshape their realities to suit it. 11/10 fanfic, truly the next great American novel.[3]
I can't believe the fanfic writer managed to spin a heart-rending gothic romance out of a Folgers commercial[4]
I need you to know that I read this story back in... idk, 2013? 2014? and it hashaunted me ever since. Back then I didn't have an AO3 account and once I closed the tab accidentally without saving a bookmark on my browser, it was gone. In the ten years since, I used to think about how you fleshed out the original commercial with your own details, and built the tension between the brother and sister so beautifully, and once the pandemic got me to dive back into online fandom and I started writing again, your fic was one of the ones I thought of when I structured my own fics.

And then I clicked on an CJ the X video, and I fucking found it again.

So here's a comment, about ten years too late, saying thank you for this gem. You took a 45-second commercial and made art that stayed with me for years.
