A Fool and His Money

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Title: A Fool and His Money
Author(s): Aida St. Dummot
Date(s): 1990
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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A Fool and His Money is a Blake's 7 story by Aida St. Dummot.

It was published in Avon Calling #1.

Reactions and Reviews

Vila uses some of the money he wins at the Big Wheel to buy a night with Avon. This sounds like the premise for a pleasantly amoral PWP but the story instantly sidetracks into dealing with Avon's fear of sex, after being raped on the London. Within minutes Avon is 'finding tranquility and strength in following Vila's guidance', as Vila undermines his defences and convinces Avon that he has been 'woefully inadequate as a lover', until he had the chance to 'get it from a Delta'. Vila is not only more sexually skilled, he's also more loving. When he finally reveals that he took on the London rapists, in order to spare Avon, he assumes an almost saintly dimension that the story never really recovers from.[1]

I didn't read [this, except half] - which is another good idea (wrong pairing, but still - good title too) in that Avon loves money. So - offering to buy a night with him is at least worth trying. I've read a few variations on this (there's another one in SoCo7.5 actually, I think; and there's an Avon-as-prostitute-for-fun story in the third issue of Avon Calling) none of which work for me. It's probably quite a difficult line to tread, but for the A/Vs what I think would help is Vila thinking it's hilarious and it clearly being a shared game between them (the SoCo one almost manages this), and for the B/A ... for Avon to think he has to do this so that he can help Blake/have Blake in a way that Blake will accept.[2]


  1. ^ a review by Nova in 2000 at Judith Proctor's BLake's 7 site, Archived version
  2. ^ comments by Aralias, see full post at Lots of not very good zines, November 13, 2015