A Fool's Wager

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Title: A Fool's Wager
Author(s): Kathy Hintze
Date(s): 1989
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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A Fool's Wager is a Blake's 7 story by Kathy Hintze.

It was published in Powerplay #4.

Reactions and Reviews

"A Fool's Wager" by Kathy Hintze is an Orbit story in which Vila reveals his reasons for not telling the crew what nearly happened on the shuttle. Quite interesting but takes a bit of believing. There are a good many Orbit stories in which Vila decides it's not really Avon's fault, the poor lamb, and promptly forgives him, and none of them has convinced me yet. Would your first instinct be to say there, there, I know you didn't mean it to a friend who has just tried to eject you from a moving vehicle? [1]

Bizarre attempt to explain 'Orbit' that is too long given that it's just a short crack premise.[2]
