A Dark Path

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Title: A Dark Path
Author(s): Ali Hadden
Date(s): 1994 or earlier
Fandom(s): Star Wars
External Links: Fanfix.com (archived)

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A Dark Path is an early Internet fanfiction story rewriting the Star Wars Dark Empire series. It was written by Ali Hadden in 1994 and was posted online on Sept 4, 1995 to at least one online fanfiction archive. In its printed format it is approximately 150 pages long.

Summary: "An excellent story for those who want to see Luke fall to the dark side. Will he..Can he...return to the light?"

A physical copy has been deposited with Texas A&M University Fanzine Archives. An online version can be found here.

The sequel "A Striving For The Light" is approximately 63 pages and can also be found here. It was also posted online on September 4, 1995.


There's a story called The Dark Path by Ali Hadden that rewrites DE so it's not totally stupid. ;) You can find it on http://www.fanfix.com. It's pretty old (circa 1995!) but it's good. An old favorite of mine.[1]