A Cheap Imitation

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Title: A Cheap Imitation
Author(s): Spoontasti
Date(s): February 10, 2015-February 14, 2018
Length: 240k Words, Complete
Genre(s): Trapped on an Island, Slow Burn
Fandom(s): Durarara!!
External Links: AO3

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A Cheap Imitation by Spoontasti is a popular Heiwajima Shizuo/Orihara Izaya fanfic in the Durarara!! fandom. It is rated Explicit. As of March 29, 2024 it is the most popular fic by hits[1], bookmarks[2], and kudos[3] in both the fandom and Heiwajima Shizuo/Orihara Izaya tags on AO3. The fic takes elements of its plot from the Saw franchise.


“Attached to your neck is a collar that will inject a poison into your jugular vein two days from now. Forcibly removing the device will also trigger the poison. Somewhere on this island is the antidote.”

His hands reached up to his neck and he felt the cool metal of the collar.

“Live or die. Make your choice.”

AO3 Summary

Fan Reviews and Responses

Archive of Our Own

I'm absolutely in awe of this beautiful story! I loved your portrayal of the characters and the character development throughout the story. I've never before seen someone so skillfully weave lighthearted humor with dark, disturbing incidents in the same story without it feeling forced. The humor provides a breath of fresh air amongst the chaos, it feels genuine in the sense of two unfortunate people trying to cope with horrific conditions while holding onto their humanity. The world building was vivid, and its obvious that you put quite a bit of research into this writing, bringing such authenticity to the work helping it feel so real. Everything about this story is so powerful, it truly reads like a good novel and is probably the best fanfiction I've read. Thank you so much for this, for all the hard work and research, for all the jokes and reoccurring gags, and for a truly memorable experience! I'm at a loss for words to appriciate this with!

Comment on Chapter 50 by echoplexx

This is probably the best fanfiction I have ever read, better than some published book to be honest. I loved every second of it! I’m glad it was as long as it did, it really gave the characters room to grow and develop. Your characterization of Izaya and Shizuo was absolutely fantastic. I loved their initial antagonistic relationship, and their “warming up” never felt forced or stressed, it felt very real as the story progressed. And you made me laugh so many times! Willy-san was a hoot, and I LOVE that you had Shizuo actually laugh at Izaya’s antics and not just make him angry at everything Izaya does just for the sake of it, that really made Shizuo feel more like a multi-dimensional character and not just someone that has to hate EVERYTHING Izaya does since that’s what he does in canon. I am still laughing about the shark projectile, that was fantastic and I will love you forever for that! Your OC’s were amazing as well, especially Jakow, they really gave the story more levels.

Me and my partner were reading this together and after every chapter we put the fic down and just AAAAAH THIS IS SO AMAZING and discussed every detail and talked about the different aspects and just straight out loved it so much.

And kudos for writing that super creepy scene where Shizuo got into the whole with body parts, it was both amazing and dreadful to read! The amount of research you must have done to this, I am really impressed. But honestly, I am just REALLY impressed with the whole story! I LOVE tropes where Izaya and Shizuo have to work together, and this is such a good setting for them that feels “Yeah this could happen because they are REALLY trapped together this time”. It feels like you spent a lot of time planning this story out and it really made it a joy to read.

I have been slow with leaving this comment, I read this fic a couple of months ago, but I have a favourite scene that honestly I still think about. It’s the morning after Shizuo got injected with that small, small dose of poison that left him almost dead, and Izaya had stayed upp all night doing CPR (which killed me btw thank you), and afterwards when Izaya starts to leave he sees that Shizuo is about to smoke, and he just stomps back and snaps at Shizuo about that and decides to stay. I LOVED THAT SCENE SO MUCH IT WAS AMAZING and Izaya’s mask was cracking and I just LOVE that he wasn’t not in complete control of himself anymore! And thank you for actually making Shizuo snap and beat the shit out of Izaya in the control room before that scene, and not “suger coat” it. But I loved the guilt afterwards, wonderful.

I’m a bit sad we didn’t get to see their date in the end, I love reading about how characters manage to stay together after the big get-together, BUT EH THIS IS STILL THE MOST AMAZING THING AND I TREASURE THIS AND WILL READ IT MANY TIMES MORE I LOVE YOU

Comment of Chapter 50 by MossyWrites

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  1. ^ Wayback Machine Capture of Works in Durarara!! fandom tag sorted by hits Note: This capture includes crossovers which makes A Cheap Imitation appear third by hits behind two miscellaneous multi-fandom x reader oneshot compilations.
  2. ^ Wayback Machine Capture of Durarara!! fandom works sorted by bookmarks
  3. ^ Wayback Machine Capture of Durarara!! fandom works sorted by kudos