A Castle of Silence and Bones

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Title: A Castle of Silence and Bones
Author(s): dreams.of.destiny
Date(s): 2010-2011
Genre(s): Horror, Romance
Fandom(s): Hetalia: Axis Powers
External Links: On FanFiction.Net

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A Castle of Silence and Bones is a Hetalia: Axis Powers fanfiction by dreams.of.destiny.


The story is set in an alternate universe where the Axis Powers have won World War II and have established empires that rule the world. The Allied Powers are either dead or on the brink of death. China has been conquered by an unhinged Japan, who is extremely possessive and obsessive of his brother, slowly eroding China's mental health. Despite being under Japan's thumb, China attempts to strike back by eroding Japan's mental health in return, waiting for the opportunity to strike.