you will overstate your premise

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Title: you will overstate your premise
Author(s): destronomics
Date(s): Dec 14, 2008
Length: 1394
Genre(s): Character Study, Prequel, Pre-canon
Fandom(s): MCU, Iron Man Movieverse
External Links: AO3, Archived, LJ

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you will overstate your premise is a list format character study of Marvel Cinematic Universe character Pepper Potts, relating to her family life, romantic relationships, and a speculated past modelling career.

Reactions and Reviews

[riddled] Oh, my gosh. Both your Pepper and your Tony -- even in that teensy, tiny glimpse of him -- are exquisite.[1]

[le_red_queen] Utter, utter coolnes. Each tiny segment fleshes out the Pepper and the dynamics between the three so very well. Loved no.06 nd how she goes back to the reason being that Rhodey's the liason and she's the PA.[2]

subterrain Awesome stuff, I love how deeply you intertwine the modeling history thing. You really make it work. Beautiful.[3]

[error_cascade] This is an absolute delight of a fic. It’s a collection of small vignettes, focusing on Pepper’s life and perspective. She is startlingly human, struggling with her self perception and her growing feelings for Tony. Pepper is largely alone in the world, exceptionally competent, and full of faults. It’s fantastic fiction. My only quibble is that Rhodey is portrayed as having a somewhat exploitative streak towards Tony, which I think is canonically dubious, but it plays well in the story.[4]
