You Are Cordially Invited

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Title: You Are Cordially Invited
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): April 2008-
Genre(s): domestic, crossover
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: Most recent part on LJ with links to previous parts

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"You Are Cordially Invited..."[1] by fawatson started off as a crossover with Alec Deacon from The Charioteer and Staff Nurse Valentine from Purposes of Love sharing a house together during the war. In this universe they are cousins, and the invitation in the title is to the wedding of Alec's sister. The resulting discussion between Alec and Nurse Valentine provides insights into the scene, in The Charioteer, in which Alec speaks so fervently against giving in to blackmail about being gay. This story and its sequels are set in 1942/1943, so they are all in the future from the timelines of the books in questions. At various points, the story and its sequels draw from discussions at maryrenaultfics.

To date, the story has had fourteen sequels that have introduced other characters from both The Charioteer and Mary Renault's early contemporary novels. The series as a whole has belatedly been given the title "Prevailing Winds"
