With One Sweet Kiss

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Title: With One Sweet Kiss
Author(s): heartofoshun
Date(s): 9 June 2012
Length: 1217 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF

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"With One Sweet Kiss" is a short story by heartofoshun based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set some years prior to the main events of the novel, when Laurie was at Oxford.


Laurie is sure that Charles is working up to trying for a kiss. On the one hand, he thinks he might as well; on the other hand, he can't forget that day in Lanyon's study.


"With One Sweet Kiss" was written for the maryrenaultfics “Spring Jumble Sale” challenge. It was illustrated with a picture of two young men punting on the river.


Comments to the story include:

  • "I've often wondered what would have happened if Ralph hadn't been expelled, and this made me think of that again."—comment by addie71
  • "Just lovely. You've got Laurie's wry wit down pat."—comment by kenazfiction
  • ""What a charming boozy Laurie you've created. Another kiss, indeed - how could anyone resist??—comment by my_cnnr