Wicked Game

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Title: Wicked Game
Author(s): Mare
Date(s): Written September 1996 - April 2001, revised July - October 2005
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: RATales, Geocities (2002 version with fanart)
Cover by JenR

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Wicked Game is an epic length Scully/Krycek story written by Mare and was the first ever story published for that pairing. The summary is: "Scully makes a deal with the devil. A devil with beautiful green eyes..."

The fic was posted in installments from 1996 to 2001 and remains a WIP. Some of the factors in her not continuing writing were the sudden death of her story editor, the failure of the floppy disc with her draft for the next chapter, and the X-Files ending.[1] After revising and reposting Wicked Game to the RATales mailing list between July and October 2005, she announced her intention to continue it, however sadly this never eventuated.[2]

A fan in 1999 wrote: "Another highlight for the future is Mare's Wicked Game. This tale, which sees Scully make a steamy deal with Krycek, was the first Scully/Krycek story to be concieved, since Mare began writing the tale in July of 1996. The story remains a Work in Progress and with the length of the first six chapters already a hefty 300K and more to follow, "Wicked Game" may become the longest SKipper story when completed." [3]


another cover by JenR
  • "so very worth reading even if you're left hanging" - Boltonia [4]
  • "I can't believe I've never read this one. It's a great idea to re-post the classics. Krycek is at his wicked best here, seducing Scully (and me!) with his charm, his sex appeal and his mind." - Laura C [5]
  • "Okay, this is all so intriguing! I can hardly stand it, waiting to get enough clues to figure out what the hell Krycek is doing all of this for. [...] A mark of a good writer, leaving the readers guessing and craving for more." - Candace [6]
  • "What is even more amazing than the story itself, with its slowly-changing relationship between K & Sc, is the fact that's Mare is so patient as to keep the thread alive after nearly FOUR YEARS!" - Janet [7]
  • "Wow, this one has me really hanging on for more! Great premise, cool Krycek,and an nicely-drawn Scully, struggling with how to rationalize this deal. Oh, and great smut!" - Sharyn [8]

