When the Dice Are Rollin'

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Title: When the Dice Are Rollin'
Author(s): Action Monroe and Skweeker McCain
Date(s): 1998
Length: 3 chapters
Fandom(s): Newsies
External Links: Crap Game Alley

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When the Dice Are Rollin' is a Newsies fanfic hosted on the GeoCities site Crap Game Alley. The authors encouraged recursive fics in a note, which the site was based around.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

I don't know how they did it, but Action and Skweeker sure know how to make a fic great! I read this fic a good while back and I remember seeing on different sites, but wasn't sure if it's be good. Turns out, it is one of the best Newsies fics written. Action and Skweeker are the lead characters. This is actually a 'later' fic in which there was a whole other story before it, but was never written. Action has a score to settle with Spot Conlon, and finds her gamble is still not welcome in NYC. I love how they threw in the hints of things that had happen in the past with the characters. I just really like everything about When the Dice Are Rollin'.

Coneflower Adams[2]

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful story! I tend ta get overenthusiastic. Can ya tell? Honestly though, I t'ought da story was great. Please write anudder one! Da profiles are really funny, too!

