We Wish You a Merry Christmas...

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Title: We Wish You a Merry Christmas...
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 27 December 2008
Length: 2414 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF

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"We Wish You a Merry Christmas..." is the second in Florence A. Watson (fawatson)'s series The Difficult Age based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set when Laurie is fourteen, back home from boarding school for the Christmas holidays. Besides Laurie and his mother, Lucy Odell, the story features Colonel Ramsay, a character briefly mentioned in the novel as a man with whom Lucy had considered remarriage.


A reluctant Laurie is hauled off to visit the Ramsays for the afternoon, not realizing that Col. Ramsay is courting his mother. Unfortunately, all the colonel's relations are perfectly well aware of the fact—including his odious young niece Violet.


Col. Ramsay is canon, though he has no first name ("James") in The Charioteer. The family with which the author supplies him are OCs.


The story elicited a number of comments, including:

  • "I'm enchanted with the uni you've created for young Laurie - so in character for all....it really does seem like TC:The Early Years. [...] Your Lucy has become, of course, *our* Lucy. I'll always have that soft spot for her - you keep her layered and interesting."—comment by my_cnnr
  • "I really enjoyed adolescent Laurie in all his confusion and determination. There had to be a time when he wasn't so unselfish and mature, and you capture that very well in this. "—comment by lorie945