Watch One Hour With Me

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Title: Watch One Hour With Me
Author(s): maggiehoneybite
Date(s): 16 July 2004
Length: 4492 words
Genre(s): wedding night story
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: Watch One Hour With Me (Maggie's Place)
Watch One Hour With Me (maryrenaultfics)

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"Watch One Hour With Me" is a short story by maggiehoneybite based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set at the end of Chapter Twelve, when Laurie and Ralph have returned to the cottage after the wedding reception for Laurie's mother and her new husband, Mr Straike. Renault skips over the details of their first sexual encounter. Fans, of course, want more detail.


According to the Author's Notes, the story was written as birthday fic for tehta ("with thanks for introducing me to this amazing book"). It was betaed by tehta, and Britpicked by capella_fic. Its timing coincided with the Wedding Night Challenge on maryrenaultfics in July 2004; and it was posted as one of the challenge fics.


The story was very well received, with many comments, including the following:

  • That is beautiful. Very well written, and from what I can remember, very much in character. Just how I imagine Mary would've written it.—comment by gaycrow
  • ...this could have been a lost chapter from The Charioteer. I'm still hard-pressed to believe that it isn't. Absolutely marvelous doesn't quite do this justice, but it's the best I can manage, apart from goggling. <3—comment by deerlike
  • Oh, wow! I finished the book this afternoon, and this is pitch-perfect! Saving this to have next to the book, as one of the missing scenes. How utterly lovely. You manage to explore where renault always fades to black, and yet you keep both he style and the character.—comment by shezan
  • [...] I'm very grateful to you for writing this evocative and beautiful story. It has quietened something within me. A need I had concerning these characters has been answered. It wasn't the sex. It was the intimacy. [...]—comment by brit_columbia