Washing-up, Ward B

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Title: Washing-up, Ward B
Author(s): Naraht
Date(s): 25 April 2013
Length: 1858 words
Genre(s): missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: Washing-up, Ward B (AO3)

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Washing-up, Ward B is a short story by Naraht based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It takes place after Laurie has been transferred from the E.M.S. hospital to Bridstow.


Nurse Adrian finds Andrew washing up in the kitchen, and the two of them commiserate over Laurie's departure.


"Washing-up, Ward B" was written as a gift for greerwatson in the 2013 Rarewomen ficathon, with the reveal on 6 May.

In a prefatory note, the author credits selenak's discussion of Chapter 11 as inspiration. (The likely passage in question is, "Nurse Adrian clearly hasn't made the connection between "Laurie is in love with someone else" and "Andrew can't stop talking about Laurie" yet, but might at some future point. How Andrew would react to hearing something like "and then he kissed me a couple of times, but I could sense he was just being nice" is anyone's guess...")


Comments on the story include the following:

  • "[...] I like the the rapport you write between them; the fact that her telling him what happened leads to her realising another truth re: Andrew, and that she says it out loud, resulting in Andrew spelling it out to himself out loud as well. I do hope he takes her up on further conversations, despite/because of the painfulnesss of this one, because there was such an emotional honesty to it, which I think both of them need."—comment by Selena
    • "[...] My intention was to highlight the strength of their friendship, and how they can bond equally over their fondness for Laurie or their laments about his unreliability. This is just the bumpy patch that has to be got through first."—response by naraht
  • "Such painful revelations all round. I like the way they both tell the truth yet completely misunderstand - very Renaultesque.—comment by fawatson