Wandering Arameans

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Title: Wandering Arameans
Author(s): MJ
Date(s): 04 July 1998
Length: ~13,100 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Wandering Arameans (The Basement)

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Wandering Arameans is a Mulder/Krycek story by MJ.

Summary: "My picture of a nonobservant Jewish Mulder (perhaps with a gentile father) meeting the other side of the family for the first time. No sex in most installments -- sorry. Notes on Yiddish at the end of the story."

Autor's note:

Note: According to David Duchovny (who should know), Fox Mulder is Jewish until otherwise proven. DD's from the Lower East Side, so he should have a clue. I'm just picking upon it. Other than that, AU territory here. Our favorite one-armed man's now tied himself in with the Russian Mafia in New York, and is grudgingly assisting the Federal Prosecutor's racketeering investigation by helping set up sting operations against some of the competing gangs in exchange for protection against some of his former buddies in the Consortium. You'd never imagine who his business partners are... and he and Mulder have been lovers for well over a year. "Tunguska" and "Terma" happened (more or less), but not the balcony scene. They just went over to Skinner's for a beer, but Chris Carter didn't want you to know the truth. Events here are post-Fourth Season, after "Gethsemane". What was Mulder doing all that time everyone thought he was dead? (Play along. Pretend it went on for a while. Were you clear on the exact timeline from "Gethsemane" to "Redux II" yourself?) Would you believe he was at a family reunion? Read on...

Recs and Reviews

Mulder hides out with his Jewish Orthodox relatives in Brooklyn and evades the obligatory matchmaking attempts, all the while trying not to let on that his lover is a wanted criminal, Russian Orthodox at best, and male. Mulder desperately needs to take a course in rhetorics, but it's a very enjoyable story in spite of his lack of eloquence. <g>[1]


  1. ^ Worlds Enough. Sylvia's X-Files Slash Recs. (Accessed 04 April 2015)