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Title: Void
Author(s): waxjism
Date(s): 26 January 2002 – 14 July 2004
Length: 18 chapters / 73,838 words
Genre(s): Alternate Universe
Fandom(s): The Faculty
External Links: Void on waxjism.org
Void on AO3

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Void is a The Faculty fanfic by waxjism. It is a Casey/Zeke/Delilah AU.

Although it is listed as an WIP on waxjism's website (last updated in July 2004), it is marked as complete on AO3 at 18 chapters.

Author's summary: "AU, completely ignoring the fact that The Faculty is sort of a science fiction/horror type film... Although perhaps three teenagers having this kind of sex life is a bit of science fiction."

dodificus created a podfic for the story in 2011: [Podfic] Void at AO3.

Reception & Influence

Void one of the most famous Faculty stories, and for many years after its publication was the first work suggested to anyone requesting recs on the faculty-fic mailing list.[1]

The story depicts a sexual relationship between Casey/Zeke/Delilah heavily based on themes of power, control and eroticized violence. The dynamic between Casey and Zeke in this story had huge influence on The Faculty fandom, not only capturing the imaginations of readers but influencing other writers as well; many Casey/Zeke stories riff on the dynamic between the characters in Void moreso than the dynamic in the canon itself.
