Variations on a Theme, with Tank and Gunfire

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Title: Variations on a Theme, with Tank and Gunfire
Author(s): servantofclio
Date(s): Sep 6-28, 2012
Length: 36,707 words
Genre(s): F/M, Peggy Sue, Time Loop, Fix-It
Fandom(s): Mass Effect
External Links: Archive of Our Own

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Variations on a Theme, with Tank and Gunfire is an extremely popular Shakarian time loop fic by servantofclio. As of November 2023, it had more than 4,000 kudos on Archive of Our Own.[1]

Originally written for the Mass Effect Kink Meme in the wake of Mass Effect 3 and its attendant ending controversy, it features a female Shepard looping through the events of ME, ME2, and ME3 repeatedly, until she ultimately finds her original Garrus Vakarian and they take it upon themselves to fix the story once and for all.

A podfic adaptation by KeeperofSeeds was begun in 2016 and as of 2023 is still ongoing.[2]


Shepard finds herself reliving the last few years, from finding the beacon on Eden Prime to the battle for Earth. Again, and again, and again. How much can she change? How much should she change?

Author's Notes

This story was originally posted to the ME kinkmeme in response to a relatively light-hearted prompt involving Shepard reliving the games, romance, and the Mako. It evolved into something much more. Thanks are due to: the OP, for a most inspiring prompt; my very clever spouse, for discussing plot ideas with me when I was stuck; and the many meme readers and commenters whose enthusiasm helped me see this story to its conclusion.
