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On Tumblr and ao3, with same username.

Name/s: MapleSchmaple, Maple
Fandom/s: Precure
You can find me at: Tumblr
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

Fanlore Contributions

Magical girl stuff mainly.


  • Made account
  • Reformatted the Fancuries page to increase readability through tables
  • Precure page and Precure seasons




  • publication details like publisher, author, editor, date and place of publication, illustrators, size/format, distributors, etc.
  • contents of the zine: contributors, stories, articles, art, etc.
  • images of zine covers or sample illustrations
  • whether the zine or any of its contents were popular/influential/infamous
  • whether the contents were republished elsewhere
  • controversies or amusing anecdotes about the zine's publication or reception
  • how the zine compared to other zines published in the same fandom or at the same time, whether it was part of a trend, etc.
  • quotes of reviews or links to commentary on the zine
  • anything else relevant


  • Introduction: A VERY BRIEF overview of the canon.
  • History of the fandom: When and how did the fandom start? Did it explode onto the fannish scene or was it a slow burn? If the fandom has been around for a while, how has fan activity changed over time?
  • Characters and Pairings: Who are the popular characters and pairings?
  • Activities: What sorts of activities occur in your fandom? Have conventions been organized? Does your fandom have any unique or less common practices?
  • Fanworks: What types of fanworks are popular? Where are they available? Is there a particular one that brought in new fans or that people outside of the fandom are aware of?
  • Impact on other fandoms: Have tropes, fannish terms, or fanworks from your fandom traveled outside your fandom?
  • Communities: Where do fans hang out (online or offline)? Lists of popular journal communities, web forums, mailing lists, newsgroups, Tumblrs, etc. would not go amiss.
  • Resources: Include links to online resources relevant to your fandom — popular fanfic archives or discussion forums, fandom newbie guides, wikis, etc.


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