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Name/s: Rachmel, chucktheprophet
Fandom/s: Star Wars, The Hunger Games, Supernatural, LOTR, Star Trek, Sherlock (BBC), Marvel, Castle, Leverage, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Bones, and many more
You can find me at:
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

Fannish Bio

I've been a fan of many things, especially Star Wars, for as long a I can remember, however I didn't actually join a fandom until about four years ago. My first fandom was The Hunger Games and since then I've been in and out of too many fandoms to count. For the first year or so of being in fandoms I was a lurker, but then I discovered wiki editing and haven't looked back. Recently, I've also gotten into writing fanfiction, and I plan on posting my first story as soon as I finish proof-reading it.