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Title: Unwritten
Author(s): kaizuka
Date(s): October 2016 - November 2016
Length: 34K words; 6 chapters
Genre(s): Soulmates AU
Fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice
External Links: Archive of Our Own;

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Unwritten is a Yuuri/Viktor fic written by kaizuka.

Summary: Soulmates AU where whatever you write on your own skin appears on your soulmate, but when there is a language barrier, meeting becomes just a little more difficult than it should be.

Reactions & Reviews

On Archive of Our Own, the fic has gained over 17.5K kudos. It is the most popular work in both the Alternate Universe - Soulmates tag on the archive as of 2019. The fic ranks in the top 10 Yuri!!! on Ice work on AO3 and is the most popular T-rated fic.[1]

Translation available in Russian, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, Mandarin Chinese, and Italian.

my favorite soulmate AU of all time and a YOI classic. I’m pretty sure it was the first yoi fic I ever read. It’s so good, sweet and fits perfectly with the series[2]

soulmate au where whatever you write on your skin appears on your soulmate’s! this fic was absolutely lovely, with lots of cuddles and cuteness![3]

I really like this fic. It’s so sweet and I like how they’re characterized.[4]


  1. ^ found via AO3 filtering, January 2019.
  2. ^ "My GOAT fanfic rec list". Archived from the original on 2023-09-20.
  3. ^ "Viktuuri Fic Rec". Archived from the original on 2023-09-20.
  4. ^ "Nov 17, 2016 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-09-20.