Unteach Us to Complain

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Title: Unteach Us to Complain
Author(s): toujours_nigel
Date(s): 9 January 2011
Length: 647 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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Unteach Us to Complain is a short story by toujours_nigel based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It describes Ralph Lanyon's first encounter with Sandy Reid.


Just released from hospital, Ralph goes round to see Alec. A party is in mid-swing, and Ralph is obviously less than impressed, both by Sandy and the Bridstow gay scene. Sandy is profoundly concerned by the sudden intrusion into his life with Alec.


The story was posted just at the start of the Unwritten Charioteer CBC in 2011. It was therefore not written for one of its challenges.


"Unteach Us to Complain" elicited a number of positive comments, including:

  • "I really like this story. You've fleshed out Sandy's character beautifully, and it fits so well with the way he is when he and Alec turn up at Bunny's. You've also made it very clear why he would feel so insecure that he would try to commit suicide, and from the way you've written him, he wouldn't see it as 'a form of repartee'. Nicely done!"—comment by fanged_geranium
  • "I like this really lot. I like a sympathetic look at Sandy. He definitely has his issues and could drive a person crazy, but does not fall into the no-redemption-possible camp of Bunny. I do see Sandy as younger and so much more vulnerable than Alec and Alec would be a handful for a much stronger person. Ralph couldn't deal with Alec. I like Alec a lot and I am always also ready to read any story which deals on whatever level with insight into Ralph/Alec. Very nice work in this one. Thanks for sharing."—comment by heartofoshun