Under the Red Moon

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Title: Under the Red Moon
Author(s): EmpressTerra et al.
Date(s): 2011-2012
Length: Two episodes of six parts total + three-part Christmas Special
Genre(s): Audio drama
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: http://undertheredmoonad.yolasite.com/

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Under the Red Moon is a Harry Potter fanfiction audio drama starring Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and an OC: Starlight Fanell. The story gathered a large following and many fanarts based on it.

Author's summary

Dumbledore and McGonagall have kept a hidden secret for many years from many people; except those that they knew need it to know. Now, a kidnapping has brought that secret to the surface and a new enemy besides Voldemort has made his presence known. Albus and Minerva most make a choice whether to speak the truth to someone one whom has always thought herself human, or see her life be taken. In it all Igor Karkaroff, headmaster of Durmstrang, has begun to show interest on the young woman who now assists Severus Snape in the potions class. And as for Severus, emotions thought lost begin to stir once again, yet the memory of Lily (Evans) Potter will not let him be.