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Title: Tryst
Author(s): Roxie130
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Sentinel/Stargate SG-1
External Links: online here

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Tryst is a slash Sentinel/Stargate SG-1 story by Roxie130.

Tryst is one of my favourite SG/TS xovers. Why? Because I thought it was pretty original as far this particular crossover is concerned. The fic avoids one of the biggest SG/TS xover cliché, ie Blair and Daniel already knew each other when they were kids/ Daniel and Blair met at the university/Blair and Daniel were lovers when they were younger/Daniel and Blair still talk to each other now and then. It doesn't use the other less used but still sometimes present cliché, ie Jim and Jack served together at one point/Jim and Jack were lovers as well. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually don't have anything against clichés in general or those in particular - as long as they're well written --well, to my tastes that is*g*-- it works just fine with me but, well, this story just doesn't go down that route, is all - and it was quite refreshing. Something else that is refreshing is that the writer doesn't even play with her pairings the way the other SG/TS xover writers usually do - and not only is it refreshing but, oh boy, quite hot too. [1]


  1. ^ from a rec at TS Fresh Air