To You I Pledge

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Title: To You I Pledge
Author(s): Beren
Date(s): 05 August 2009
Length: 45,051 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: To You I Pledge (Box of Magic, story)
To You I Pledge (Box of Magic, fanart)
To You I Pledge (Ebook Library)
To You I Pledge (LiveJournal)
To You I Pledge (Dreamwidth)
To You I Pledge (AO3)
To You I Pledge - Art (AO3)
Cover banner by lenyia, original size see fanart link.

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To You I Pledge is a Merlin/Arthur slash novel by Beren. It was part of the Merlin Big Bang Box of Magic in 2009. Word count: 45,051.

Summary: Merlin lays his life on the line to save Arthur yet again, only this time there are witnesses, lots of them. Only Arthur prevents him going to the headman's axe straight away, but Arthur alone cannot save him. That is up to both of them.

Fanart: Cover banner by lenyia, cover and 2 photoshop illustrations by cybel.

One of the many ways Merlin reveals his magic in fanfic is the public display of his powers to save Arthur's life. The result is usually either a rift between Merlin and Arthur followed by banishment (often with later reconciliation), Arthur secretly supporting Merlin but Merlin still having to go into exile (with the hope of returning when Arthur becomes king), or Arthur standing by Merlin and challenging his father's decision which leads to them being forced to flee Camelot together.

In this version of the public reveal Arthur challenges his father ("If you execute Merlin," he said very slowly and very clearly, "I will never speak to you again.") but it plays out differently than it usually does. Merlin is confined to a magic inhibiting room while he heals from his injuries and Uther tries to get to the bottom of Merlin's secrets. There is a lot of angst and suspicion and slowly even respect. Here they work it out within the system (the system being Uther) and surprisingly, the final judgment turns out to be just. Before the reveal Merlin and Arthur were on the verge of a change in their relationship. That UST is still there when Merlin pledges himself and his magic to Arthur. This creates some kind of power dynamic even before they become lovers and when they finally consummate their relationship, it is strengthened by the bonds of oath and magic that Merlin used to surrender himself to his friend and master.

Comments and Reviews

Readers particularly liked the combination of the satisfying Merlin/Arthur relationship and a king Uther who is political savvy and shows himself to be human:

suaine: There is something seriously hot about unconscious bonding/branding with magic [...] The scenes with Uther at Merlin's bedside and subsequently all the things that are Uther both in his anger and his wisdom are amazing[1]
ratcreature: I liked the D/s vibe (with the surrendering, pledging, marking etc.), and also your take on Uther.[1]
yorkshirewench: There are so many things I love about this fic - mostly the incredible bond that exists between Arthur and Merlin. I loved Merlin swearing an oath to Arthur and pledging himself. And not only did Arthur find out about Merlin's magic but Uther too and I think this is the first ever fic I've read where Uther accepts it[1]

From a rec:

"This is a excellent take on the classic "Merlin is outed as a warlock" trope. The plot is exciting and well-paced, and I found myself on the edge of my seat as Merlin's trial commenced. As is required in all good Merlin fics, there's some soul-bonding and magical shenanigans and a sinister plot on one of the royals' life. I found Uther's characterization in this fic quite compelling, and the conversations between Merlin and Uther are the best parts of the story for me. Although the writing tends to lean heavily on fandom tropes (see: soul-bonding), don't let that deter you. Even then, I found this to be a well thought out and interesting fic, full of drama and intrigue."[2]


  1. ^ a b c To You I Pledge by beren_writes, 07 August 2009. (Accessed 07 February 2010)
  2. ^ lolitakun in epic_recs. To You I Pledge, by beren_writes (NC-17), 22 February 2012. (Accessed 22 February 2012)