To Hell Among the Rogues

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Title: To Hell Among the Rogues
Author(s): Bryn Lantry
Date(s): January 1993
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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To Hell Among the Rogues is a Blake's 7 Blake/Avon story by Bryn Lantry.

It was published in Fire and Ice #2.

Reactions and Reviews

My other favourite in this 'zine. Lantry is definitely one of those writers you either love or hate - she writes in a style unlike most other slash writers I've found so far. Seductively rich with passion and hinted darkness. Romantic but tense rather than gushy.[1]

I like some of Bryn Lantry's stuff a lot - (see my eventual review of 'Other Side 3', but also '2', I guess) but the Ursus Major stuff is... frustratingly kind of interesting to me on a story level, but I find the prose so difficult to wade through this time that I almost can't be bothered to get to the story. Also, the voices are stylised on purpose, which I respect, but do not like. The actual end I do not like so much, but the discussion of whether Avon loves him that happens just before the end is very nice indeed.[2]

I really like Lantry's way with Blake and Avon; it's obvious she likes them both. Sometimes her use of language grates, though, like all the cutesy Shakespeare stuff in this one. But I'm more than willing to cut her some slack. This is actually a sequel, part one appeared in _Resistance 7_, I think.[3]
