Time and Fevers

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Title: Time and Fevers
Author(s): Nova
Date(s): 2002
Length: 9428 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Time and Fevers at AO3

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Time and Fevers is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Nova.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #7.

Reactions and Reviews

PGP, a long time after. There's something very touching about the fact that Avon and Blake aren't young any more, and that they still seem beautiful to each other. Very haunting. Query; would Blake have liked Auden's love poem so much if he'd known it was addressed to a 14-year-old? [1]

Overall, I also really like this one and the next one (Nova is one of my favourite B/A writers, but neither of these are my favourite Novas), there's definitely enough to really like it, but... I also have to spend the entire thing feeling disappointed in Blake. The fact that he's done nothing at all for about fifteen years is acknowledged by the text and Blake, but it feels like he's a genuinely different man now - and not in a good way (although all the stuff about the physical effects of aging is done really well), just in a... what is there left of the Blake that Avon loved in you? sort of a way. Perhaps it's unfair to criticise this, because as I said it's acknowledged, as is the idea that Avon sort of gives him back to himself, but personally I find this upsetting. That said, the conversation they have over the whiskey and the sex they then have are both lovely.[2]

Perhaps the only twist that could shock more than the series’ own brutal finale is an image of Avon in late middle age, plump and behind a desk, having spent years in therapy with a neo-Freudian. So of course that is what Blake comes up against at the start of this story. Despite being less than conventional, this story gives us as unerring and endearing a portrait of Avon as any. (N.B. Katy feels that Blake is slightly too passive, but agrees that this Avon is perfect.) [3]

Other characters are dragged into Blake’s and Avon’s love lives to make a point about their love - again! Deva, this time, and Jenna, somewhat, and while I like Blake/Deva, but definitely not like this. At least some time is given to explore their relationship, though not much. I would have preferred if Jenna either got a larger role or wasn’t mentioned at all - as it stands now, it’s just too creepy. Did she also die? I think we just are not supposed to care. :(

I liked quite a lot of things about this fic. I have a weakness for the washed out, beaten down Blake, and this fic portrays him rather well. Characters are older than usual in this story, and it is also handled well. The theme of love giving you back your mojo is developed better than in Delinquent, even though it involves unfavorable comparisons with other relationship (but not explicitly so, thankfully). The angst is good and not overdramatic, but rather more muted and melancholic, which goes better with Blake’s 7 fics. The stuff about sexual histories of the character was, like almost always in Nova’s fics, one of the strongest points. However, some bits gave off the vibe that was too romcom-y, especially Dayna and Soolin acting like matchmakers - it’s just so not my thing.[4]
