These Men of Honor

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Title: These Men of Honor
Author(s): Rachel Lee Arlington & phyre
Date(s): 29 September 1997 - 09 December 1997
Length: 206k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: These Men of Honor I - III (The Basement)
These Men of Honor (phyre's place)

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These Men of Honor is a Mulder/Krycek series by Rachel Lee Arlington and phyre.


  • Absolution: Prologue by Rachel Lee Arlington - At last, the definite definitive truth about Alex Krycek, which causes Mulder a certain amount of discomfort. Part of the 'These Men Of Honor' cycle.
Author's note:
Despite the order of posting, this is chronologically the first story in the 'These Men Of Honor' cycle, and explains with the benefit of hindsight how Alex Krycek came to be standing at Mulder's desk with a signed 302 and a pack of ulterior motives. Comes *way* before 'Powerplay' by phyre, as you can tell by Mulder's attitude to Krycek, which is evidently going to undergo a *major* sea change. Despite the presence of Tatalya Krycek and Fairland Davis this has nothing to do with my story 'The Rat's Tale', which is at best a half way mark between the canon and this, my final attempt at solving the X files. Even if CC is mean enough to do something next season that shoots this theory out of the water, I'm still gonna stick to it: it's great, it comes out even at the end and explains everything. Which I fear is more than CC intends to do for us.

  • Absolution: Act One by Rachel Lee Arlington: Krycek and Mulder's meeting and the events of 'Sleepless' given the illumination of hindsight. Part of the 'These Men Of Honor' cycle.
  • These Men of Honor III by Rachel Lee Arlington: What Friends Are For - Part of the 'These Men Of Honor' cycle. Krycek, having escaped the car bomb and ended his undercover association with the Smoker, is warmly welcomed back into the arms of the CIA, as personified by Fairland Davis.
  • The Moment of Truth by phyre - Part of the 'These Men Of Honor' cycle. Alex Krycek is back as Mulder's partner and bodyguard. But it looks like their relationship is heading for a new phase on a personal as well as professional level.
  • The Safety of Distance by phyre - "This started out as my answer to another list's challenge but grew a little bit and took on a life. It falls in place about two months after 'The Moment of Truth' and an unspecified amount of time before 'Powerplay'. The running order for the 'TMoH' series is now 'Absolution-Prologue', 'Absolution-Act One', 'What Friends Are For', 'The Moment of Truth', 'The Safety of Distance' and 'Powerplay'.
  • Powerplay by phyre - The first story posted in the 'These Men of Honor' cycle. Mulder and Krycek have clearly reached a new rapport.

Recs and Reviews

Mulder learns the unsettling truth about Krycek. Mulder/Krycek, OMC/Krycek ***½ Next Part: The Moment of Truth by Phyre[1]

Krycek is a good guy. In fact, he's even better than Mulder^..^ How is this possible?[2]


  1. ^ Slash Recs of ScarletFBL: X-Files Recs, 29 May 2007. (Accessed 02 April 2015)
  2. ^ The Eternal Palace. Slash Links (Accessed 03 April 2015)