There is Truth in Wine

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Title: There is Truth in Wine
Author(s): baranduin
Date(s): 08 June 2004
Length: 2419 words
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: "There is Truth in Wine"

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"There is Truth in Wine "[1] is a short story written by baranduin based on the second book from Mary Renault's Alexander Trilogy, "The Persian Boy." The story describes an imagined scene which takes place between Hephaistion and Bagoas one evening when Alexander is out of camp on an expedition against the Bessites. Bagoas is reading Alexander’s copy of the Iliad when Hephaistion comes to Alexander’s tent in search of a book to borrow. The two come to a better understanding of one another’s role in Alexander’s life during that evening and over the next few days so that on his return Alexander finds Hephaistion helping Bagoas with his reading .

Comments received on the story include:

  • Oh, this is marvelous! I had always wished for these two to be closer as well.... You did such a wonderful job of illustrating the tension while at the same time showing the two develop a better understanding of each other.[2]brightest_blue
  • Oh, how deliciously layered.[3]teza


  1. ^ "There is Truth in Wine " by baranduin. Accessed 16 January 2013.
  2. ^ Comment by brightest_blue, 09 June 2004. Accessed 16 January 2013.
  3. ^ Comment by teza, 11 June 2004. Accessed 16 January 2013.