The first eight don't count

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Title: The first eight don't count
Author(s): storm_petrel
Date(s): Published: 2010-09-15
Length: 9,023 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Losers
External Links: link at AO3

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The first eight don't count is an Cougar/Jensen fic by storm_petrel, where Jake Jensen is a werehousecat.

A podfic of The first eight don't count was made by katemonkey. The fic has also inspired kisahawklin to write Basement cat has infiltrated heaven, a SGA fic.


Cats, man. Not to be trusted.

Reviews and Reactions

Storm-Petrel has Jake Jensen's voice down. One part random thoughts, one part internal monologe, and one part conspiracy theories. That alone could make this story great. But she backs it up with a hilariously cracky story.

Jensen starts the story out with the revelation that "There’s no way to subtly tell your unit, oh by the way, every full moon, or when I’m pissed, shit-scared or otherwise emotionally compromised, I turn into a common black house cat."

And things just get crazier from there. From late-night cuddle sessions with Cougar, to covert ops rescue missions led by house cats. This story is barrel full of laughs from start to finish.[1]

My god, I forgot how much I love this ship!!![2]

Jensen's a cat. Don't get me wrong, it sounds cracky but it's so well executed. [3]

One of the best animal transformation fics I've read in this fandom.[4]

Lovely story, a personal favourite of mine. I love the idea of Jensen as a werecat, it just fits so nicely the way it is described in this story. The ADHD-off-the-meds as a more reasonable explanation for his behaviour made me smile. And I rally enjoyed the interaction between Cougar and Cat (and Jensen). Great. Nice little adventure in the middle, several lovely lines, great ending. My only "complaint" is that this is one of those stories you wish there were ten more stories in a series to[5]


  1. ^ Epic Recs, accessed November 28, 2015
  2. ^ Fandom Rec list, accessed November 28, 2015 (dead link as of 15 Dec 2022)
  3. ^ fic rec, accessed November 28, 2015
  4. ^ fic rec, accessed November 28, 2015
  5. ^ review, accessed November 28, 2015