The Understudy

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Title: The Understudy
Author(s): fanged_geranium
Date(s): 11 December 2010
Length: 905 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: (members-locked)

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The Understudy is a short story by fanged_geranium based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set sometime before Chapter Two, at the time when Ralph Lanyon is actively involved in his illicit sexual relationship with Hazell. The story largely seen from the POV of Hugh Treviss, one of the school prefects and Lanyon's friend, who is mentioned twice briefly in canon.


Concerned that his friend's obsession with Hazell is becoming obvious to the point of dangerous, Treviss decides that he has to speak with him.


Before writing "The Understudy", the author asked the members of the maryrenaultfics LiveJournal community for information about the organization of the forms (grades) at a typical English public school of the period, and used this information as background for the setting of the story.[1]


"The Understudy" was well received, and got numerous comments. These include;

  • "Oh, this is delightful! I really enjoyed it."—comment by addie71
  • "Very nice. I like the way you switch from "Treviss" to "Hugh"—from the more public formality to the friendly mode of address—as the story progresses [...]"—comment by greerwatson
  • "I've been absent from the comm for a while, and this was a wonderful welcome back present. :-) I adore outside pov's of my boys (Ralph and Laurie) and you did a lovely job of creating a voice for Treviss. Bravo!"—comment by poicale
  • "[...] Perfect use of the canon, nice depth for Trev and a great catch on Ralph's voice , too."—comment by my_cnnr


  1. ^ Background information about English public schools was requested by fanged_geranium in "Charioteer timeline question", a post on maryrenaultfics made 7 December 2010 (accessed 18 August 2011).