The Trouble with Normal

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Title: The Trouble with Normal
Author(s): Salieri
Date(s): 2006
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here; also here; other formats

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The Trouble with Normal is a gen Starsky and Hutch story by Salieri. It was originally in the zine, Blood and Destiny.

Summary: Starsky and Hutch track a serial killer.

A companion piece is Curve.


"Hutch always looked first. Starsky wasn’t sure when this pattern got established. Early on, probably, when they were still green to each other, and habits got pressed into the still-soft ground and solidified and then got worn around the edges with use so that he couldn’t really see them anymore, even when he followed the contours every day. Eight times out of ten it was Hutch who stopped the attendants, or the coroner’s pick-up guys with their stretchers on the way to the ambulance (on the good days) or the wagon (on the bad days). It was Hutch who crouched beside the vague shape on the asphalt or the grass and lifted the edge of the sheet to look under. It wasn’t like Starsky deliberately held back. He looked, too, as long and as hard as Hutch did when he had his turn. But somehow Hutch wound up looking first, the way Hutch went high and Starsky went low at a bust-in."

Reactions and Reviews

When I read Salieri's fiction, I feel like things are just right, even when they far from it. She's got a way with words that goes right to my heart in a brutal, honest, melancholy way. Is it enough to say that there isn't anything she's written that hasn't made me hold my breath? [1]

I must have missed this when it timed out, and I'm so glad you recc'ed it Pepper. Just the most amazing, jaw-dropping talent as a writer. Lyrical, profound, yet so grounded too and without an ounce of writerly pretention. That final scene between the two of them? Just.. stunning. [2]


  1. ^ a 2008 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2008 comment at Crack Van