The Test of Time (Harry Potter story)

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Title: The Test of Time
Author(s): Alchemilla
Date(s): 2002 - 2004
Length: ~180,000 words
Genre(s): romance, flangst, kidfic
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: The Test of Time at The Sugar Quill

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The Test of Time is a Harry Potter fanfiction novel by Alchemilla. It remains an influential example of the Harry/Ginny pairing.

A 2600-word prologue to the story is posted separately, entitled Midnight Musings.[1] It is told from the point of view of "Bludger," an original character who also appears in The Test of Time.

Midnight Musings and the Test of Time were featured on Season 4 of PotterFicWeekly. Midnight Musings was discussed in Episode 115, and The Test of Time received its own three-episode series (Episodes 116-118).[2]

Compliance with Canon

The story was a work in progress when Order of the Phoenix was published in 2003, Jossing most of the story as well as Ginny's characterization. Alchemilla wrote shortly thereafter:

If you are a new reader, you may have noted that my story is not consistent with the new canon of book five. Sirius is alive, my Ginny is not nearly as spunky as JKR's. I began this story over a year ago, and though I have incorporated some book five elements in recent chapters, my Ginny will not be undergoing a sudden feisty makeover.[3]

Recs & Reviews

  • "[A] wonderful, romantic and plot-filled story. It's certainly old school, but still so wonderful!" -- HPGW OTP[4]
  • "This was one of the first Harry/Ginny stories I ever read and it's one I still find myself reading every now and again. I believe it was started Post-GOF so canon details and certain aspects of Ginny's character are a little off, but it is a classic for this ship and deserves to be read at least once. It's an amazing story, engaging, and beautifully written." -- souvenance[5]
  • "This was my first fanfic. WAY too old for me, but 11-year-old me didn't know that. Looking back on it, if this hadn't been a good fic- which I still think it is, seven years later- I probably wouldn't have gotten into fic. It's really not up to date (it goes off canon after Goblet of Fire) but I like the way the character's lives turn out (it's actually weird that this was Harry/Ginny before Harry/Ginny was really a thing at all) and even though the wizarding world is a little dark, it all turns out okay. Even though it took forever for it to be done." -- fluffernutter8[6]
  • "Although it's A/U, being pre-OotP, it's got a fantastic plot. Alchemilla can move things forward really well, make you fall in love with her characters, and carry off a beautiful plot with so many threads. And write a good romance." -- shiiki[7]


  1. ^ The Sugar Quill. Midnight Musings by Alchemilla. 15 July 2002. (Accessed 06 April 2012.)
  2. ^ PotterFicWeekly. Season 4 Guide. (Accessed 06 April 2012.)
  3. ^ Author's note for Chapter 12: Polyjuice and Portkey. (Accessed 06 April 2012.)
  4. ^ hpgw_otp. Issue 234. 02 December 2009. (Accessed 06 April 2012.)
  5. ^ souvenance at hg_silverlining. Reply to "Modpost: Fic Recs! :D". 26 October 2008. (Accessed 06 April 2012.)
  6. ^ fluffernutter8. 19 favorite fics. 23 February 2011. (Accessed 06 April 2012.)
  7. ^ shiiki. REC: The Test of Time (Multiple Pairings). 26 August 2007. (Accessed 06 April 2012.)