The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing

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Title: The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing
Author(s): Chewbot
Date(s): Oct 25, 2007-Dec 13, 2007
Length: 13 chapters
Genre(s): horror, let's play
Fandom(s): Animal Crossing
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The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing is an illustrated horror fanfic. It uses screencaps of the actual game and drawings. It was popular enough to gain its own TVTropes page.[1]

The fanfic is a deconstruction of Wild World, showing a darker side to being the sole human in a town of anthropomorphic animals. The concept of gyroids are also explored and given a darker interpretation than in canon.


  • Billy- the main character. An 8 year old boy whose sent to camp and rather cynical and foul mouthed for his age.
  • Tom Nook. Initially set up to be greedy, he's much better than he lets on.
  • K.K. Slider. One of the few characters that Billy likes, he plays the same role in canon. Was revealed to be working with Tom Nook.
  • Penny. Tom Nook's wife.
