The Serendipity Gospels

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Title: The Serendipity Gospels, TSG
Author(s): Tamsyn Muir, Shelby Cragg
Date(s): Published February 8, 2012; Act II completed January 11, 2013; officially discontinued September 6, 2014.[1]
Length: 130,209 words on AO3
Genre(s): No SGRUB Session, Alternia
Fandom(s): Homestuck
External Links: AO3 Tumblr

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The Serendipity Gospels is an unfinished and discontinued Homestuck fanfiction epic, written by urbanAnchorite and illustrated by schellibie. It is a Gamzee Makara/Terezi Pyrope/Karkat Vantas OT3 quadrant romance. It is one of the most well-known Homestuck fics, and has the tenth most kudos in the Homestuck fandom tag on AO3 as of November 2022. TSG also includes Tavros/Vriska as a background ship.

TSG spans two completed Acts and an Act III/Intermission that was started on Tumblr but abandoned a few posts in. The completed Acts span 7 chapters on AO3. TSG was originally planned to be about five acts of three chapters each.[2]