The Rise of the Drackens

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Title: The Rise of the Drackens
Author(s): StarLight Massacre
Date(s): May 2011 - ongoing
Length: 1,310,636 (February 21, 2021)
Genre(s): slash, AU
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Archive of Our Own FanFiction.Net

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The Rise of the Drackens, aka RotD, is an AU Harry Potter fanfiction by StarLight Massacre. The work was originally posted on FanFiction.Net but was removed for explicit content. A clean version, with no explicit scenes, was reuploaded to the site on April 14, 2012 and the original version was posted on April 14, 2012 on AO3. It continues to be updated and all explicit scenes are removed from the updates posted on FanFiction.Net.

Author summary:

Harry comes into a very unexpected inheritance. He is a creature both rare and very dangerous, a creature that is black listed by the British Ministry. So now he must avoid detection at all costs, whilst choosing his life partners and dealing with impending pregnancy at just sixteen. With danger coming not just from the Ministry but even other creatures, what was he supposed to do?

Based on the Dracken creature concept, StarLight Massacre has created a series called The Dracken Universe, which includes a work made up of one shot future moments and three other works that are AUs of the original story.

It is the fourth-longest Harry Potter work on AO3.

Author's Notes

StarLight Massacre was not the original creator of the idea as said in their first author's note:

This chapter was adopted from Beautiful Kaos on Fanfiction. Net and was originally called Dragon Kind. The Dracken concept is hers, not mine; I’ve just fiddled about with it. This first chapter is made up of bits and pieces of the first chapter she wrote before putting her story up for adoption, I have tweaked it and added a lot to it, but the underlying plot for this one chapter is hers. Everything after this one chapter is mine.

However, since the story was adopted, significant changes in plot and characterization have happened and most consider the story completely StarLight_Massacre's.

StarLight Massacre also does not allow people to use their original characters or concepts in other works, as stated on their FanFiction.Net author profile:

I do NOT give my permission for anyone to use any part of any of my stories, which includes original places and characters. Anyone found to be using such things without my express permission will be reported on whatever site they choose to post such plagiarised material on.[1]



Harry is paired with four other men, two of those pairings are Harry/Draco and Harry/Blaise and the other men in the main pairing are two original characters. The story is a creature fic that focuses on the dom/sub relationship of the main pairings and has multiple instances of mpreg.

The story begins on Harry's sixteenth birthday and because of this contains underage pairings until Harry, Draco, and Blaise turn eighteen.

Writing Style

The average chapter length is 10,000 words but it is not uncommon for a chapter to have 14,000+ words. The author is also known for mentioning something casually in one chapter and then having it be an important plot point later on.


Removed from FanFiction.Net

On April 11, 2012, RotD was removed from FanFiction.Net by administrators for violating their guidelines on mature/explicit content. At the time the story was at 44 chapters, had 6,187 reviews, and had one million hits on the site. Loyal fans were outraged by the removal of RotD and believed that it was jealously that caused other writers and fans to report the work to admins. They argued that many other works on the site also violated the guidelines on mature content but are left up, thus they felt StarLight Massacre had been targeted by haters.


The Author's Note on the new first chapter of ROTD on after the story was reuploaded:

A/N: Please help me reach my goal of 6,100 reviews once more, you can even leave a one word review if you want to, I just want this version of The Rise of the Drackens to be as much loved and successful as the original that was pulled down from this site, otherwise it was all for nothing and I don't ever want to end up abandoning this story. Thanks to all of my readers on Facebook, who have kept me calm and made me laugh over this mountain, you're all amazing and I can't think you enough, whatever scenes or events you want to see, just ask, I know who you are and I will gratefully indulge you! [2]

And on the second chapter posted another author's note that further explained the situation:

15th April 2012 A/N: To those of you who are wondering what happened. Rise of the Drackens was removed from this site because of sexual content it contained which is against Fanfiction TOS, so the admins pulled it when it was reported as a violation of the TOS. Never mind that there are worse stores out there with sexual content, doesn't matter, it was my story that was reported and it was pulled because of it. [3]

Fan Reactions to the Removal on FanFiction.Net

The general fan reaction to RotD's removal from FanFiction.Net was shock and anger, but they supported StarLight Massacre in reuploading their work to the site instead of just giving up.

As Darkness Takes Over: It's good to see this story up in FF again. Keep your spirit up cause even then the darkest of tunnels will be filled with light.[4]

Infinity78: You already have 10 reviews, let's get it back up to 6000 :)[5]

KusanoSaku: I didn't even know it was taken down. I feel dreadful for not noticing. I really liked this story and since I have reread fanfiction more then once I have not issue rereading it again. Especially not when it's as epic as Rise of the Dracken or the Life and Times of Harry Potter-Malfoy- I am waiting patiently on tender hooks for an update for that one. Being a writer of a sort myself I understand muse focusing more on one story for a time. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged. I'll have to read along on if I want to enjoy the juicy bits I suppose. Can't wait! Not sure if I can count as a Faithful member of the Cult of Starlight but I hope I can.[6]

strangestnightmare: This is an amazing story. It's terrible that you have to repost it, but am looking foward to reading it all over again (like I have many times before, but that's beside the point). The plot is well thought out, characters have wonderful depth and the writing itself is some of the best that I have read. Thank you XD[7]

DefineNightmare: Isn't it great that your fans are like a big family? I always read the facebook comments and I can't believe the love we have for you and your story. While it's a shame that the story was taken out, it's also an opportunity to add little things like the chasing part with Harry and some of the Weasley clan (which was a great added touch). I can't wait for more D.N.[8]

awakeinthestorm: I'm so upset this story was taken down! It is my favourite on the whole of fanfiction and I was excited to find out the upcomings of Harry and his mates but since I read your story at least once a week any way when bored reading the same over again will be great and I am looking forward to it!

You are probally my favourite author on ff due to your amazing writing style and expansive imagination! I am reeally curious as to how the character Max and Nasta were created within your mind along with their families! Was it just randomly evolved while you were writin this story, did it just seem to naturally fit? Was there and inspiration to it? Was it a long tiring process of creating them? I could never have made them with their personalities so different, interesting and unique! You really are a fab writer! I hope they will still remain in the story despite some contradicting opinions of just a Draco/Harry/Blaise story to be written as you are uploading again! I adore both Nasta and Max, exspecially Nasta and his cute quietness! Bot forgetting Max and his awesome family though!

Can't wait to read upcoming chapters! Glad you diddecide to re-post instead of just giving up, shows true character and perseverance!x[9]

Starlight Massacre acknowledged the positive fan reaction to the reupload in an author's note on the new second chapter:

A/N: Thank you everyone for your amazing support! You are all brilliant, wonderful people and with your continued support, I'm sure together we can make The Rise of the Drackens even bigger and better than it was the first time around. I can't say it enough, but THANK YOU!" [3]

Reactions and Reviews

Positive Reviews

RotD and StarLight Massacre have an extremely loyal fanbase and a quick look at comments and reviews will show that a majority are positive.

I've loosely kept an eye on this fic for the multitude of years you've been writing for it and I still start from the beginning to the newest update every time. Not because I don't remember, but I find immense joy in re-living the finding of the mates and the way they build and create a working relationship for them. I hope you keep in good health considering everything and I'm always looking forward to any updates that occur to this fic. Thank you 3[10]

Sarluna: Hey Starlight I've began to read your story in the august of 2015 on My english at that time wasn't really good and my writing was horrendous. I've had problems with lerning new languages in school and also not really an interest in learning them. What little words I knew always got me trough my tests and I could read some simple texts, but to actually write in english wasn't really possible for me. I love the genre fantasy since I was a little child, especially dragons fascinated me. So when I began to read your story, you had me on a hock right from the beginning. Thanks to «The Rise of the Drackens» I wanted to unterstand everything that you wrote. I don't know how many hours I translated words that you wrote, but I simly didn't unterstand the context. It's been now nearly one and a half years since that moment. I can read your storys without any problems and feel myself able to finally write you a review, that isn't full of misspellings and sentences that won't make any sence. I just wanted to thank you for creating such an amazing work of art, that captured me completely. I think it's really time, that I give you something back though my reviews. So I will begin my long journey to catch up to your current chapters. Since you are one of the writers I think deserve them the most. <3 What I always loved about your style of writing is that you can describe something, so that the reader can really imagine a picture of what's going on inside his mind. Sadly when you search for dracken stroys many nearly copied you first chapter or wrote the exakt same proceedings only in their words. You can really see that since chapter 1 you made an enomous development in your writing style. Harry took the change really good. But after everything that he had to endure in his life. That was probably one of the less crazy things. What I loved was that you put all this information about drackens right in the first chapter. We readers knew really a loot from the stars and knew always were to go, if we forgot some information...

Icey_TheRicey: Oh my freaking lord. I must have read this series about four times now, and I swear it gets better each time! You’re such an amazing writer, this story just sucks me in and I out until I know what happens next. The way you’ve written this is simply amazing and it’s done in a way people can only dream about. You have some serious skills. I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

AceEmily: Words can’t express how much I love this story!! I’ve read it multiple times, and it’s one of, if not my favorite story ever. It actually kind of sucks though, because when people ask for my favorite characters or book, I can’t list this one because they don’t know what I’m talking about! 😂 Nasta is 10/10. Remembered this story yesterday and see you are still updating! Here we go again![11]

Aziraphale: Oh my gosh I thought this wasn't getting updated anymore and lost track of it, and when I remembered it existed imagine my surprise when it had a recent update in August!!! I adore this story, I adore all the turns, and additions, and how well you write your characters and I am just dying to see more, no matter how long it takes, or how far apart the chapters are. Thank you for not abandoning it completely, and I'm on the edge of my seat for more.[12]

cutypie09: Just read through the entire story again. This story is, hands down, my favorite fanfic in the Harry Potter universe. I started following this story on adultfanfiction when I was recovering from a broken leg back in 2011. I love how the characters have changed and evolved over time! I eagerly await for when you get time to continue this story!

Even before the removal on FanFiction.Net, ROTD was a highly reviewed work, with milestones often being acknowledged in the author's notes at the end of chapters. The original author's note on chapter 12 celebrated the fact that this was the author's first work to ever reach 1,000 reviews[13] and from multiple other author's notes it seems they were receiving between 100-300 reviews per chapter. By chapter 19 the number of reviews had already doubled to 2,000 so fan engagement was not an issue.[14]

One possible reason for such high engagement in comments and reviews could be how interactive and responsive StarLight Massacre is with fans. Their author's notes on FanFiction.Net were usually long because they responded to questions and suggestions, as well as running polls to ask their readers what they would like to see next in the story.

In the author's note on chapter 17, they showed the results of a vote readers had taken part in to show interest in the story's OCs, and a total of 1,028 votes were cast.[15]

Negative Reviews

However, a loyal fan base does not prevent criticism or hate. Negative reviews seem to vary, some criticizing the content, such as too many sex scenes/not enough sex scenes, mpreg, OOC characters, while others disliked the lengthy chapters or time between updates.

I'm sorry but I think this story is horrible. The original version was a little better because it had sex in it. The previous story was just too drawn out and this story is turning it to the same thing. I do not like stories that have little chapters, but I also do not like stories that have chapters that are too long. Yours is too long. Your story just got boring after a while. It also seems like you hate having many women in your story. It is all males. Why couldn't Harry have had a girl instead of a boy. Or you could have done twins. I like male on male, but there is a limit. This story has just got too boring for me. Sorry

When updated on FanFiction.Net RotD is occasionally criticized for lengthy author's notes being included in the story (as there is no reply feature in reviews on the site authors often include responses to reviews before or after the chapter text).


Another, with a reply from the author:

Why r your author notes almost always longer than the actual story chapters, i have yet to come across another author with ridiculously long author notes like yours. But putting that aside I love to story if this is the last chapter please let us know by changing the status from in progress to complete. Please n thank you... Bye bye
Then you have yet to come across an Author whose story inspires as many questions in their readers as mine does. That or you haven't met an author who is as dedicated to reading and replying to each review instead of just ignoring them all like so many others. I enjoy every single review I get and as such I take the time to reply to them. If a reader can be bothered to take in what I'm saying and think up questions about what they have read then I can be bothered to answer them back. So I will never stop with my review responses at the end of the chapters, the length of them is decided by how many questions were asked by readers, if you had actually read them you would realise I'm not just waffling on about nothing. What made you think that the story was finished? I'm no where near finished with this story and if I was I rather think I could come up with a much better ending than the small cliff hanger of chapter 41. The story isn't even half way through yet, but I'll be sure to change the story status to complete when it is actually completed.

StarLight Massacre.

On Chapter 45, the first new chapter to be posted after the reupload, Starlight Massacre also said in an author's note:

I've read and re-read the TOS of this site and I'm breaking absolutely no rules, so you yammers who claim they have reported the fic for how long the A/Ns are, there is absolutely nothing in the TOS that says anything about the length an author's note should be as long as it's in a written chapter. If I posted them between chapters on their own then yes, it ould be against the TOS, but as it's not, get off my case you harpies, just because you can't be bothered to read what I have to say doesn't mean others feel the same way. I love conversing with fans and I love answering questions readers have about what I've written as it proves they are actually reading the story (most of the time) and are thinking about the world and culture I've created so do me and everyone else a favour and back off, it's getting quite sad. [16]

And because there can sometimes be months, almost a year sometimes, between updates some people criticize the story for being abandoned, or for the author not putting it up for adoption.

I always feel so bad for stories like this, that have been abandoned by their author. You're a good writer but you really should finish what you start. A good example of what I'm talking about is your other long story. If you aren't going to finish it you should put it up for adoption and you really should consider updating this story soon.

In response to another anonymous review who criticized the author themselves claiming they have "major problems finishing anything" (this review was removed in the takedown but the quote is preserved from the author's response):

To the first point that as an author I have a major problem finishing anything, you obviously haven't read my short stories which are complete. Also how can you criticise anyone when you don't even have an account, let alone any stories of your own? You cannot know how hard it is to write under the sort of pressure this particular story has. I have over two thousand reviews for this fic, so I must be doing something right... As for calling me lazy, well that's the icing on the cake, because really, laziness is not defined by not updating every story when you feel enough time has passed...[17]


Since it was first posted to FanFiction.Net there have been a number of cases where other works have been accused of and/or caught plagiarising RotD and its concepts. Most often it comes in the form of other authors using the creature Drackens in their stories, but there have been instances where a story follows the entire plot RotD, or is even just a reupload of earlier chapters.

RotD's fanbase appears quick to catch and report such fanworks and will usually comment on the RotD or post on the author's Facebook page to make them aware. Because of RotD's extensive history online these other works are almost always removed, either by the author in question or by site moderators.


The Rise of the Drackens won first place in the All-Time Favorite Harry Potter Fanfic category in the Fanatic Fanfics Awards and first place in the Favorite Work-In-Progress Fanfic category in 2015.[18]

Fanworks and Fan Activity

As of February 21, 2021 The Rise of the Drackens has 10,761 kudos and 4915 comments on AO3 and 15,340 reviews on FanFiction.Net.

Other than in comments most fan interaction for this work takes place on the author's Facebook page. Because there can often be months, even over a year, between updates, StarLight_Massacre made a Facebook page where they post updates and interact with fans. They will even ask fans if they can remember certain details of the story when working on updates if they can't recall the information themselves.

I NOW HAVE A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT FOR MYSELF AS AN AUTHOR! This is so you can all keep up with my movements and also find out when chapters are going to be updated before they actually are.[1]

Sneak peeks of new chapters are often posted on the Facebook page and the author will also sometimes ask fans to vote on what they would like to see in future chapters, though often fans are just asked to pick a random number or color without knowing what those options equal in terms of the story.

Related Fanworks

Starlight Massacre has created a series on AO3 named The Dracken Universe which contains ROTD, its companion fic The Rise of the Drackens: The Scaled Bits, and three other fics that are set in dracken world created by Starlight Massacre, but do not follow the plot of ROTD.

There are six works on AO3 marked as inspired by ROTD. One of these is an official translation of the story into French that was started in 2015 but was never continued after the first chapter. A Portuguese translation was also linked in the first chapter's author's note on AO3, but similarly, it was begun in 2014 and never continued past the first chapter.

Starlight Massacre also shares a number of pieces of fanart and character face claims on their Facebook page. Fans also share artwork on the page or tag the author in their own posts.
