The Old Game

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Title: The Old Game
Author(s): Trobadora
Date(s): 5 January 2011
Length: 2122 words
Genre(s): femslash
Fandom(s): She-Ra: Princess Of Power
External Links: Archive of Our Own

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The Old Game is a Adora/Catra story written by Trobadora for Fandom Stocking in 2011. It is the first piece of Adora/Catra fanfiction posted on AO3 (although there are earlier pieces tagged as Catra/She-Ra) and gained notoriety for this once the 2018 reboot of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power was released and Catradora became the primary focus of the fandom.

Following the canonization of Catradora in She-Ra's final season, many fans went back to comment on The Old Game and ask for the author's reaction. The fic was also referenced throughout the SPOP fandom on twitter where many were surprised that Adora and Catra were shipped in the original show, but equally delighted given their new canon status.

Reactions and Reviews

AO3 Reactions and Reviews

Pre-Netflix Reboot

Excellent .

I like this pairing and I really like this story because there are feelings between the two, their relation is not only sexual and I really like when Adora understand that she loves Catra and why they could not be together.[1]

Post-Netflix Reboot

Haha, I didn't know people shipped them back in the 80s' or whatever... This is freaking amazing! And feels a little more fitting than with the cartoon now, you know?[2]

welp.. what does it feel like to see the future?[3]

this is so good :') im so glad i read this :,D the very end where adora thinks about how everything has changed and yet nothing has. just. well it really got me!

i love the reboot and ive watched the tiniest smidge of the original series, so i know how similar the backstory was for both but. reading this and knowing the plot of the reboot, it really strikes me how many things were the same.

im glad knowing people out there were thinking about this ship and writing good stuff for them even ten years ago :)[4]

you must have popped the biggest bottles, haven't you?[5]

I just had to comment on this fic after seeing the post on twitter. Your writing is amazing, their dynamics are so deliciously fucked up. This level of darkness in their interaction is something I've been craving for AU fanfics to explore after watching the reboot, and I find it in the fanfic of the original 1980s show? This is truly coming full circle. I'm honestly blown away at how good this is, the character exploration is so good. You've managed to capture their shared history, longing and hurts in a much more adult way. I hate the cliche-ness of calling it 'adult' but it just feels much more high-stakes than the shows. I still can't believe you've basically captured the best parts of both shows even without intentionally trying to. Thank you for writing this![6]

Twitter Reactions

cant stop thinking about the person that wrote catradora fic for 80s she-ra in 2011.. i wonder how they’re doing in a post s5 catradora world

they INVENTED catradora.


imagine being so loved by god herself that your funny little rarepair from an 80s cartoon becomes a five season love story two decades later

the firs catradora fic on ao3 was posted in 2011 i wonder how this person feels


  1. ^ kapuis comment 19 Jan, 2014
  2. ^ veritat comment 20 May, 2019
  3. ^ apieceofburnttoast commet 16 Jun, 2020
  4. ^ orsohelpme comment 16 Jun, 2020
  5. ^ bilingualp comment 16 Jun, 2020
  6. ^ zrhueiao comment 17 Jun, 2020
  7. ^ a b c Twitter Thread. Posted 16 Jun, 2020.
  8. ^ Twitter Thread 2. Posted 16 Jun, 2020.