The Not Your Teaching Tool Job

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Title: The Not Your Teaching Tool Job
Author(s): BlackEyedGirl
Date(s): Published:2010-05-09
Length: 3,750 words
Genre(s): relationship fic
Fandom(s): Leverage
External Links: link to AO3

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The Not Your Teaching Tool Job is a Parker/Hardison/Eliot threesome fic by BlackEyedGirl, written for the 2010 LGBT Fest, for the prompt:

Parker(/Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer). Sex is sometimes a useful tool, and she likes the kissing, but Parker really isn't interested in sex for its own sake. The others seem to think this has something to do with her childhood - she tries to explain to them that she's not damaged or broken. She knows what she wants and sex isn't a part of it. (It doesn't mean she doesn't love them all the same.)


Parker doesn't understand why it has to be more complicated than: "I want to be with you, I just don't want to sleep with you." It's everyone else who has the problem. (Parker as a biromantic asexual)

Reactions and Reviews

I really enjoyed this story. I loved the fact the team really weren't all on track at the same time, that there was a process to Parker's attempts to get her point across, and that every one was so very, very much themselves. Thank you![1]

Loved this! It rang so true to all of the characters, felt so natural -- the characters' different levels of confusion and progression of their understanding was done so very well -- and I also really enjoyed the structure. :D[2]

As a biromantic asexual I have to say this a) made me cry (in public, on a bus, damn you) and b) made me wish I knew better people. Or could tie knots... or something. *cheers for Parker* --FMX

I was luckily alone in my room when I read this, but otherwise - as another biromantic asexual - I had the same reaction. Being able to tie people up (with safewords) until they understand should totally be an acceptable way to make things happen.

Also, as a Leverage fan I can see this in Parker and that it could easily fit into her odd psyche. And I love your Hardison and Elliot and that everybody wanted to help her even though their helping was the opposite of helping from her point of view.

Also also, there should totally be more romantic fic with asexual characters in it. Un-broken ones. I hope you write more!--MM[3]

This is probably the best lesson I could have had in the fact that just because someone is wired a certain way, doesn't mean that there had to have been damage to cause it. It's something I always know intellectually and try to remember, but this made it feel real to me. Really fascinating, and thank you for writing it.[4]


  1. ^ comment on the fic, accessed March 7, 2015
  2. ^ comment on the fic, accessed March 7, 2015
  3. ^ comments on fic, accessed March 7, 2015
  4. ^ comment on fic, accessed March 7, 2015