The Moffson Tapes

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Title: The Moffson Tapes
Author(s): Lauryn and Jenn
Date(s): 2002-2011
Length: 209k
Genre(s): slash romance, angst, crossover, darkfic, epistolary fic, script fic
Fandom(s): Hanson and The Moffatts
External Links: The Moffson Tapes

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The Moffson Tapes by is Hanson and The Moffatts slash fanfic written by Lauryn and Jenn. It slashes Taylor Hanson and Scott Moffatt in a story that spans several years of their lives.

As the name also implies, the story was born out of roleplaying, with the dialogue of the story recorded onto tape by Lauryn and Jenn. These tapes were then transcribed and some narration and journal entries added to flesh out the story. Lauryn has summarized some of the remained tapes to get the story closer to its ultimate ending.

The story features domestic abuse and drug abuse, both common topics in fic for the two bands at that time, especially The Moffatts.

Reactions and Reviews

In spite of, or perhaps because of, the unique structure, the authors manage to weave Taylor and Scott’s backstories into the story very well. Unfortunately, I find a lot of the details a bit over the top, but as the story goes on, I grow to like the characters enough that I don’t mind. Their journal entries add an extra layer to their characterization that really puts everything into perspective.[1]


The Moffson Tapes won awards in the Literary Hanfic Awards, and are also featured in the hall of fame.
