The Lamb Entreats the Butcher; Where's Thy Knife?

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Title: The Lamb Entreats the Butcher; Where's Thy Knife?
Author(s): Badbatz
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): 'N Sync, The X-Files
External Links: The Lamb Entreats the Butcher; Where's Thy Knife? (Shame Is Good For You)

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The Lamb Entreats the Butcher; Where's Thy Knife? is a JC/Krycek story by Badbatz.

Recs and Reviews

I'm drowning in the boyband slash. But I have someone very persuasive egging me on. Here are a couple I've enjoyed. The Lamb Entreats the Butcher; Where's Thy Knife? by Badbatz gives sweet JC a chance to meet someone not-so-sweet -- and very dangerous. Krycek! Oooo, this makes me shudder. In a good way.[1]


  1. ^ Jan and June's Slash Recommendations: The Jan and June Slash Weblog, 27 August 2001. (Accessed 10 April 2015)