The Hard Logic of Love

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Title: The Hard Logic of Love
Author(s): toujours_nigel
Date(s): 14 November 2011
Length: 1263 words
Genre(s): wedding night story
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF (members-locked)

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"The Hard Logic of Love" by toujours_nigel is a short story based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set at the end of Chapter Twelve, when Laurie and Ralph have returned to the cottage after the wedding reception for Laurie's mother and her new husband, Mr Straike.


It should be noted that this story was not written for the original Wedding Night Challenge, which was in July 2004. The author wrote it as a gift for bee_muse.


Comments include the following:

  • "This quite makes up for the Nazi stories,[1] and teeters dangerously close to the setting-up-house details we'd thought. Thank you. One of the best gifts I've come home to."—comment by bee_muse
  • "I loved this! You wrote such a beautifully observant Ralph that is completely believable. I love these two boys and this was such a nice way to start off my week. Thanx so much." —comment by dramadream10
  • "This fills in the other side of the story so well."—comment by greerwatson


  1. ^ This is a reference to toujours_nigel's AU stories, "Play the Roman Fool" and "Our Brief Wage", in which the Nazis invade Britain.