The Hand We Were Dealt

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Title: The Hand We Were Dealt
Author(s): Jane Mortimer
Date(s): 17 March 1997 (posting date part 1)
01 September 1997 (uploaded to author's site)
Length: 33,563 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Hand We Were Dealt (author's page, via Wayback)

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The Hand We Were Dealt is a Mulder/Krycek story by Jane Mortimer.

It's rated NC17.

The story, and its prequel The Same Everywhere, were the winner of the 1997 Whammy Awards in the category 'Best Series Fanfic'.

It was available for download at Mulder/Krycek Romantics Association, and then on the author's webpage.

The website version is split in half because "Weird things sometimes happen to long files when they download".[1]

Author's Description

Description from the author's site:

This story is my favorite from what's on this page, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. But it's a SEQUEL to the story above ("The Same Everywhere"), and if you know what's good for you, you'll read that one first. [2]

Recs and Reviews

Since [L] is heavily into Mulder/Krycek these days, maybe this is the place to mention that one of the best I've seen recently has been published on the net, Jane Mortimer's "The Same Everywhere." I love this writer's style, the quirky power balance between the two, and her incredibly unique way of combining angst, sex, and a truly unique brand of humor. She's in the progress of writing a sequel, "The Hand We Were Dealt," which is being posted in segments on [L's] M/K. list, and it's just as good. [3]

Mulder/Krycek. In XF fandom, no one does dark like Jane Mortimer. Sequel to "The Same Everywhere" and one of my favorite slash stories ever.[4]


  1. ^ The Hand We Were Dealt, 01 September 1997 via Wayback. (Accessed 01 June 2013)
  2. ^ Short Stories and Essays of Jane Mortimer, via Wayback. (Accessed 01 June 2013)
  3. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #16 (February 1997)
  4. ^ Rushlight. Rushlight's Recs: The X-Files. (Accessed 01 June 2013)