The Froma

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Title: The Froma
Author(s): Sheila Paulson
Date(s): 1987
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake’s 7
External Links: Online at AO3

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The Froma is a gen Blake's 7 story by Sheila Paulson.

art by Kathy Hanson from Down and Unsafe #6 (1987)

It is part of the Jabberwocky series and published later by Judith Proctor with the other chapters of Jabberwocky. It is also in Down and Unsafe #6.

Reactions and Reviews

[The Froma, reviewed by Aralias]: The online version starts with a summary... of the entire plot. So don't read it. Just skip the first paragraph.

This story is a lot shorter than the others. It's a heist! Actually it reminds me quite a bit of that Barry Letts audio (Seven Fold Crown?), which also has the same group of people (Avon, Vila, Soolin and Tarrant + OC i.e. Hugh) attempt to steal a relic from a display. That version was actually more fun, but then it is the best scene in the audio.

This one as a whole is good. I like Vila being competent/silly. I also like this alien, and the way the ending is done. More good Avon caring stuff - he actually says at one point 'I don't think anyone believes that any more' (or something, in response to Blake saying that Avon pretends to be emotionless). Several good B-A scenes, one of which is sort of described in this paragraph.

Nice to do some rebel business. And of course - I love a heist. More heists in B7, please. Always more heists.[1]


  1. ^ from Aralias, September 28, 2014