The Firestorm Series

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Title: Firestorm and sequels
Author(s): Irene Dutch
Date(s): 1999-2001
Length: Approx 250,000 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
External Links: Works by the author on the Lois & Clark Fanfic Archive

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Firestorm and its sequels are eight Lois and Clark stories by Irene Dutch, futurefic focusing mainly on the activities of the children of Clark Kent and Lois Lane who become superheroes in their own right, and on Firestorm, a time travelling descendent who helps make their birth possible. The series was well-received within this fandom, and almost all of the stories won or were nominated for Kerth Awards in their respective years. Descriptions in italics are from the Lois & Clark Fanfic Archive:

  • Firestorm (1999); What if ... one of Lois and Clark's descendants came from the future to help with a minor scientific problem even Dr Klein couldn't solve? This excellent and engrossing story, from a new writer, introduces a new Super-hero. (Kerth winner)
  • Brocolli Dancing (1999); In this charming sequel to the author's "Firestorm," we get a glimpse of Lee's early years, and begin to understand her distrust of Grandfather Clark. (This story is also included as a chapter of Starfire and Sunstorm)
  • Starfire and Sunstorm (1999); This sequel to the author's "Firestorm" chronicles the growing-up years of Lois and Clark's four children. (Kerth winner)
  • Solar Eclipse (2000); This story, which is a sequel/prequel to the author's "Firestorm" and "Starfire and Sunstorm," is a next generation story, focusing primarily on Jon Kent as he juggles a plot by the Russian mob, his attraction to his FBI bodyguard, and the secret life of a super-family. (Kerth winner)
  • Gale Force Winds (2000); This sequel to the author's "Firestorm," "Starfire and Sunstorm" and "Solar Eclipse" is a next generation story focusing on Vicky Kent. (Kerth winner)
  • Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt (2001); In this wonderful sequel to "Firestorm" and "Starfire and Sunstorm," Marty Kent finds herself falling in love. But is it a love too good to be true? (Kerth nominee)
  • Hiding in the Shadows (2001); In this sequel to "Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt," Marty is forced to deal with the aftermath of a horrible ordeal. Can the love of those around her help her through it? (Kerth nominee)
  • Timestorm (2001); When Lee (aka Firestorm) is born, Jimmy knows it'll be impossible to pretend he hadn't fallen in love with her older incarnation when they'd been brought together by H.G. Wells. But as we know, nothing can stop two people who are destined for each other from being together, even if it means doing a bit of time traveling themselves. A direct sequel to the author's "Firestorm." (Kerth nominee)