The File on the X-Files

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Title: The File on the X-Files
Author(s): Deirdre
Date(s): 1998 or earlier
Genre(s): RPF
Fandom(s): X-Files RPR
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The File on the X-Files is an early X-Files RPF story by Deirdre.

For other examples of similar fic, see Some Examples of Early X-Files RPF.


Author's comments: "There's a thin line here. Actorfic isn't X-Files Fan Fiction, unless the actorfic is used to make a parody of the show. I wrote a piece of "Actorfic" a couple of years back called "The File on the X-Files" which is a parody about how CC gets his conspiracy ideas. With a little grey alien wandering around and throwing temper tantrums about Pusher, it's clearly meant in good humor (or so I hope. :)" [1]


  1. ^ comment by Deirdre, quoted at Ephemeral and "Raping David Duchovny", Archived version, February 27, 2000