The Courtship of Harry Potter

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Title: The Courtship of Harry Potter
Author(s): Diana Williams
Date(s): 31 March 2003 (ISF)
Length: 37,134 words / 16 chapters / 212K
Genre(s): slash, romance, courtship
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: The Courtship of Harry Potter at Archive of Our Own
The Courtship of Harry Potter at Ink Stained Fingers
The Courtship of Harry Potter at Walking The Plank

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The Courtship of Harry Potter is a Snape/Harry Harry Potter story by Diana Williams.

From the Author

Challenge: This story is based on a challenge from DarkLady, to wit "Suppose it were a usual thing in Wizarding culture that a young man take an older man as a lover/mentor. Mix in a flashy and ill-intentioned rival, and Snape's machinations to ensure that he is Harry's choice. Extra bunny - a clear period and ritual to the courtship, with the rival managing smoothly while Snape's gestures all appear to fall flat. Of course, our Harry is a better judge of character than that..." [1]

Reactions and Reviews

Yum! All of this authors work is good and I really enjoy her take on Snape. This story is one of her The Erastes Rites Stories, which are based on the idea that many of the old blood of the wizarding world engage in a Greek-like system of pederasty. It actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it- and the author lays it out very well. To sum things up, a reluctant Snape competes with an enthusiastic DADA professor for a chance to ‘mentor’ Harry. The characterizations are very sharp, the idea is an interesting one, and I very much enjoyed the glimpses into Snape’s personality. An excellent read.[2]

-- Rob1 at, 2004

[My favorite fic of all time is] probably Diana William's Courtship of Harry Potter. I- I really, I love her stuff, I love her style. Um, she was one of the writers that influenced me a lot when I first got into the Harry Potter fandom. She was very kind to me, as well. I remember, when I first got in and I was a total newbie, some writers were just very, very, kind to me and she was one of them, so. And I just- I love that story. In fact, when I was challenged by painless_j to write Dumbledore's Folly, which was my courting fic, I said, "I'm not going to write a courting fic, 'cause Diana already did it. She did the perfect, you know, Snape courts Harry fic." But, you know, I had to approach it from a different angle, but that's probably my favorite story. It's just- it's the perfect little story. It's not even- it's not even very smutty, it's just very much their relationship the way that I would like to see it. [3]

-- Dementor Delta, 2006

that was wonderful! i had such a blast reading this. I giggled, laughed, snorted, got teary eyed, and then furious at Max. bastard. I'm happy it had a happy ending. I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Wonderful job! I loved ever second of it. [4]

-- CS, 2006

I still adore this to no end :) Lovely... [5]

-- Ansku, 2006

A well writen and intersting story.

I could identify Harry and Severus very well. I especially liked the last part when Harry jumps Sev in his room! The part that Lily plays in the story is something new for me and was very funny and sweet.

An execellent story. [6]

-- blackbunnyrabbit, 2007
