The Consequence of Feeling

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Title: The Consequence of Feeling
Author(s): Diamond (Hanson fan)
Date(s): 2004-present
Length: 40 chapters
Genre(s): supernatural
Fandom(s): Hanson
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The Consequence of Feeling is an unfinished Hanson fanfic by Diamond (Hanson fan).

Similar in plot to Catapult, The Consequence of Feeling has Taylor's ghost appear to a girl who recently lost her mother to cancer. In the afterlife, Taylor has formed a friendship with her mother, and the girl attempts to help Taylor connect with his family as well.

Reactions and Reviews

Diamond has written a beautiful, haunting piece here. Don’t be turned off by it’s similarity to Catapult in the opening chapters. She’s already given Ella a nod and said it was inspired by her story. But, it takes a huge leap in the opposite direction very quickly, and it never looks back. This is a gorgeous story—updated very often, wooo-hoooo!!! You don’t hear that very often, now do you?[1]


The Consequence of Feeling won awards in the Soundtrack Awards and the Various Artists Awards. It is featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame.
